Wednesday, January 14, 2009

تكلمي يا نفس

أدمنت البقاء مع الناس
أراهم شخوصًا منفصلة
يعيش كل بعالمه الخاص
أتجول داخل شخصيات عدة
ألتقي بهم وأرتحل زمنًا
أرى نفسي فيهم
يحفرون داخلي علاماتهم
وتتكون واحدة أخرى
مختلفة عني ولكنها أنا
ترحل عني أوقاتًا ثم تعود
بمشاعر وخبرات بلا حدود
أنكرها بعشق المحبين
واستمتع معها بعالم بلا قيود

Saturday, January 10, 2009

تكلمي يا نفس

علمني حبك ان اغضب
غضبًا يتملكني من كل شيء
أرى الدنيا بعنين دامعتين
لأني أخاف عليك مني
وأخاف أكثر ألا تراني كما أراك

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

تكلمي يا نفس


أحببت البقاء معي

أتحدث فترد كلماتي

تأخذني لفضاء رحب

تتقاذفه ألواني

يبدو الأزرق ملكًا بين الألوان

ويتألق الأحمر بإحساس دافئ

يرتحل الأصفر إلى صحرائي

وتتنافس عليها ألواني الخضراء

تتنقل فرشاتي بين الأركان

ترسم أماكن بملامح شخوص

تظهر على وجوههم حكاياتي

تملأ أذني أمانيَّ

وتتجسد قصاصات من زمن فات

ترسم كالوشم تواريخًا وأزمان

وترحل من جوانبي أحزاني

لترسم الفرشاة ابتسامة

تزداد اتساعًا لتضمني...

وتضم الأمس والآن وغدي الآتي

Thursday, January 1, 2009

A pound for your thoughts

Shall I write it down?

Yes, yes… that could be the best thing to do.

Still, why don't I give it a second thought?!

Nooo, probably I won't do a thing if I do.

When did it start… let me see. Was it the meeting or the proposal or the first phone call?

It does not matter…

Almost certainly the start was that hot day. it was as if humidity combined with temperature to make it the perfect day for fighting with anyone and anything, including myself.

I woke up later than usual. The fan stopped according to the timer I set…
"Nasty timer…
Why can't they make a timer that readjusts itself according to my needs… just mine"
It felt
awkward opening my eyes and looking round.

"I MUST get a clock and hang it somewhere…"

I jumped out of bed once I check the time on the mobile. The scenario to work was not as good as I hoped. My aching head joined the conspiracy against the rest of the day. Coffee was not solution at this stage.
On finishing the usual morning preparations for work, it was already getting very late.

"Why can't I get to work just late with a couple of minutes…I will take the day off thenI can work as usual but leave the time I choose… What a special day it could turn to be…"

After going through the usual fight to get a place in microbus, I settled myself in and picked the book I brought…

Funny… on starting reading, it was not the usual… It was as if I was not reading alone…

It really is silly when you find someone peaking into what you are reading. I resisted a growing itch to turn around and simply ask "Are you interested in what I am reading… would like to borrow the book instead of sticking your nose into the book!!!"

I closed the book, feeling happy that I took his/her chance of enjoyment, and put it away.

"Oh my GOD... please don't slow down... don't... don't... don't"
The way to work was packed with Special Forces ***. Cool! This way I won't get to work today and my dream would come true after all.

Strange this feeling of time on the road. It could take a few minutes and it could take me ages to reach work.

No matter what they do, I got to work and it did not feel like working at all.
Ahhhaaa!! I knew it...

I knew that gonna happen. The manager waved for me as soon as he saw my face.

The rest of the project team were meeting with the manager.

The look on the project manager's face was very encouraging only to turn around and run... BUT the show must go on!

Surely a nice e-mail from the client was received I was on my way to work.

On the way to the manager's office, I could not resist drawing a smile on my face... a weak attempt to add bright cheerful colors to the day...
Coffeeless… Sleepless… and free of work-mode, I took my place among the troops.

The meeting was about somewhat interesting… guess what… our rates at work!
I was trying to act deaf and mute to all the volatile words and expressions. As listening to the flowing discussions, my eye caught a book. It was not long that the meeting was over with the usual words… Keep it up and work harder fragments…

I advanced to my pc and the show must go on…!!!


‏تكلمي يا نفس

أصبحت مثل العيد
تأتيني بفرحة
ثم تذهب بعيدًا بعيدًا
وتترك وراءك وعودًا
برؤية سريعة
بدنيا سعيدة
بشوق وحياة مديدة
ولكنك تتركني وحيدة
أتذكر لحظات اللقاء
وأسرح بخيالي بعيدًا إلى لقياك
إلى عيدي الذي انتظره طويلاً

every girl is a princess

Staring at myself in the mirror, different feelings steamed in my head. I felt angry at myself, sad that about the way I look, depressed about the way I think, speak, react, interact...How come that I don't look any other one ... be any other I deal withHow come that my eyes are not wider...How come that my nose is not smaller...How come and how come and how come...I nearly swept into tears and felt so down, down below...

I closed my eyes and imagined a different ME! I started searching for the ways to reach this other, except for a tiny voice tingling inside... struggling to be heard... growing stronger and waiting patiently to be obeyed: "I AM DIFFERENT! SO WHAT!!"I only need to know that I am pretty inside. Then, beauty comes outside.I only have to believe that no one else is like me. Then, my glamour will show. I do not have to be anybody else. I just need to be ME... think like the way I do... feel the way I do... and act the way I do...
Think of all the butterflies swarming in the fields.Think how different each one is, how unique each one is.No butterfly is better than me, I am different, unique and I am me.

HAY! I am a princess.